Tuesday 2 October 2012

Music Video Questionnaire

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Thursday 5 July 2012

Example Table

Andrew Goodwin
Steve Archer
Performance (To create a video that’s similar to a concert performance)
Narrative (A video that’s very similar to an actual film but relates to the lyrics of the song)
Conceptual (A video containing a lot of metaphors relating to the song which creates a mood)

Illustrative (Images provide a literal representation)
Amplifying (Repetition of key meanings and effects to manipulate the audience)
Contradicting (Images contrast with the music)
Disjuncture (When the meaning of the song is completely ignored)
Music video cuts between a narrative and a performance of the song.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_qMagfZtv8 (Narrative) Just-Radiohead
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qybUFnY7Y8w (Conceptual) This Too Shall Pass-Ok Go

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7rCNiiNPxA Monkey Wrench-Foo Fighters
Levi Strauss
Dance tracks that have abstract visuals, which follow the beat of the song but don’t have a visual reference to human agency. This is usually performed with the band members

Music videos with a binary opposite; Good-Bad, Rich-Poor and so on
Within each narrative there is usually a set of stock characters and these are some of the roles

Levi Strauss
Dance tracks that have abstract visuals, which follow the beat of the song but don’t have a visual reference to human agency. This is usually performed with the band members

Music videos with a binary opposite; Good-Bad, Rich-Poor and so on
Within each narrative there is usually a set of stock characters and these are some of the roles

Thursday 21 June 2012

Charmless Man

The Pharcyde-Drop 
I liked how the video was played backwards but the group had to act out their song in reverse to give it the effect that they're actually normal whilst everyone else is backwards. This is using a 
Charmless Man by Blur is a story driven and a humorous music video (Goodwin) that's centred around the band performing wherever the main character is going in his daily life. The unnamed man who is a wealthy business man is having a mid-life crisis because the only thing he has in his life is his money and its not making him happy. The video starts of with a disequilibrium as the main character is running down the street and he looks like he's running away from something then it cuts away to the band performing which it does quite a lot in this video (Firth).

I think its inspired us to have the band performing within the music video like they did in this one. I personally liked the idea of having the band having an effect on the story of the video and interacting with the band which in this case was the band driving the "charmless man" to edge and him eventually running them over.